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"SAME BATCH" 5th Art Exhibition - 5th to 8th February, 2015


Gallery 65 presents an Art Exhibition "SAME BATCH" opening from the 5th to 8th of February, 2015. This show presents a collection of more than 60 paintings by 12 Artists who are classmates and who graduated from the State School of Fine Arts in 1974. This is the 5th time this group of artists have organized and exhibited art shows together. The Exhibition hours are from 10am to 6pm daily.

Participating Artists:
Saw Edward, Than Win Tun, Han Tun, Mg Mg, Maung Aye, Myat Han, Htoon Oo, Taung Tun, Tin Maung Lwin, Myo Nyunt Htun, Myint Swe Hlaing & Nyunt Nyunt Kyi.

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